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Monday 2 January 2012

Traditional Chinese Medicine 救世百病秘方

 The use of Chinese herbal medicine in curing diseases has the history of few thousand years, which is long before the advancement in technologies and science and the realm of western medication. 

The whole book will be in traditional Chinese characters, unfortunately there is no English translated version. It is greatly hoped that there will be an English version for non Chinese literates, and it is greatly appreciated a link to be posted in the comment column if an English version is to be found. 

The book contains various medications in curing various diseases ranging from dermatology, seasonal flu, gynecology, pediatrics and etc. Depending on individuals themselves, some medications may have different curing effects and different speed of curing. It is advisable to consult your Chinese medicine practitioners if you have any doubts on the medications in the book before you consider consuming the medications printed.

Please follow the link to download the PDF version of the book. Click here for alternative download link.
Please help yourself in downloading, printing, distributing it, or passing this link around.

I am unable to express my gratefulness to those who had provided the secret medications, as their good deeds have cured uncountable diseases and patients. May all be blessed and may there will be no suffering from diseases.



《救世百病秘方》是由繁体中文著成,非常可惜没有被译成英文版本, 这会造成非中文读者的困扰。非常期待英文版本的现世,好让更多非中文读者受益。若有读者发现英文版本,非常欢迎您将网址张贴于评论栏内。

这本书涵盖了皮肤科,季节性流感,妇科,儿科等各方面疾病的疗法。 疗法对于不同的人有着不同的医疗效果和速度。若您对于本书内容有任何疑问,请咨询中医师,然后再考虑使用本书的疗法。



对于善心人士提供于本书的医疗秘方,在此无法用语言表达感激, 因为他们的善念及善行已治愈无数的疾病和​​患者。愿大众不会再为疾病而痛苦烦忧。

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