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Saturday, 22 June 2013

Menstrual Pain 月经痛

Yes, though it is not as painful as delivering a child, somehow it just sometimes make you curl like a prawn, a cooked one. Painkillers may help, but their effect is temporary and taking medication to ease the pain is not a good long term solution. The main causes of the pain must be found so that you can prevent (or lessen) the pain when the time comes to settle the "monthly business".

There are several food that best to be avoided 2 weeks before your expected/estimated date of your period:
1) pineapples
2) cold beverages and food
3) mango (it has effect on some people)

Here, I'll share with you a simple yet economical way to lessen the pain, no painkillers and no MC required. All you need is just a hot pack and hot water:
  1. Fill in your hot pack with boiling water carefully
  2. Press out the steam that bloats your hot pack, so that the hot pack will not "explode" when it is being    pressured.
  3. Put the hot pack on your lower abdomen till it soothes the pain.

Remove the hot pack and put it at your back if it is too hot, and interchange it between the lower abdomen and back. Be careful not to scald your skin for putting the hot pack long enough at one place to "cook" the skin. Trust me, it really hurts.

You can use the method for several days. Usually for one or 2 days you will see the effect.

Have pain-free days,
S.L α







  1. 小心翼翼地将滚烫的热水倒入热水袋内
  2. 把热水袋内的蒸汽按出,以避免热水袋被压力压至爆裂。
  3. 将热水袋置放在下腹热敷,直到它舒缓疼痛为止。




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