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Tuesday 13 February 2018

Eggonometry 鸡蛋学

Lap Chun in Lunar Calendar, or Spring/Vernal Equinox, literally means the start of spring. So this year spring starts on the 4/2/18. Though it is all year round summer here, not much excitement of the change of seasons or seasonal activities we have here, yet our culture adds some hype in it. There are few practices/believes in our culture that some may practice during this day:

1) Cleaning the house for the flow of positive energy

2) Switching on all the lights in the house, a symbolism for a brighter future

3) Decorating the house themed with red decorations as an act for prosperity

4) Banking in money to the bank account for the belief of boosting the luck of wealth

5) Standing the eggs (yes, literally and physically “standing” the eggs)

I don’t usually practice item 4 and 5 for all these years but I had broken the tradition this year due to all the hypes around. The messages had been flying all over the place. A friend of mine was asking me whether I have tried standing the eggs. Excuse me? Erm, didn’t our parents advise us not to play with our food? Besides, I wonder what is so fun playing with the eggs. We used to have these scenes of a whole bunch of kids (the students) and few adults (the teachers) squatting at the corridor under the sun trying to balance the eggs to make them stand. I would be sitting on the side-lines at my desk enjoying the eggs balancing show. Hah, riddikulus!

After x moons passes and *cough* now it was my turn to have fun with the eggs…..Riddikulus seems to work. And, yes. I gave it a shot.

Now, you would have seen that a human form like figure squatting at the car porch with an egg trying to balance it on different areas of the floor. Out of my expectation, it stood after 20 minutes of trying. You would now see the human like figure "posing" on the floor trying to get the best angles for capturing the glorious moment. Selfies with egg, which are Eggfies. 

Overwhelm with self-satisfaction and pride, I tried to challenge myself balancing another few eggs.


Now, another scene of a human form like figure squatting with several eggs on the floor trying to balance them with one egg at each hand. The eggs will be merrily rolling all over the place and the human like figure will be frantically chasing after the rolling eggs under a ray of hot sun……karma of having fun watching over other people’s “egging” game.

One of them stood, finally, after 30 minutes of being a Mad Egg Chaser. Yes, another round of eggfies. When God opens a window, He closes one door. A breeze of wind caused the standing egg to fall flat on the floor. Well, at least 2 attempts were successful. *please excuse me for my high EQ spirit*

While I was merrily sharing *cough, should be bragging* my fruitful attempts with people around, one of them actually suggested me to glued the eggs with double side tape……Anyway, playing a game with and without cheatcode, the difference is the level of self-satisfaction and achievement, no?

Any of you guys have tried out the “eggonometry”? Give it a try, bet you, it will be very fun. Yes, very, very, FUN. And don’t play with cheatcode kay.

Thought of putting my post title as “playing with eggs”, but I believe that this will bring about some pretty interesting misunderstanding *raising both eyebrows*.  But still, my persistent will of showing my effort put in “standing” the eggs *sweat* for an hour plus lights up the word “eggonometry”. Yes, not ergonometric, it is EGGonometry, as a way to brag all the sweat, time and effort put in just to make some oval like item called an egg stand…..

Have fun,
SL Alpha

Sunday 11 February 2018

A Farewell Note to 2017 永别2017

It is nearly going to be a year since my last post. Apologies for the delay as 2017 had been a very eventful and emotional year for me. Right, do spare me with some excuses. Anyhow, each and every year has been eventful, if you slow your pace down and look around (*perhaps I might have slowed my pace and looking around a bit too much with too many events…..*squatting and drawing circles at the corner of the wall…..)

At the beginning of the year, I had been through several farewells of pretty closed cohorts which I have been with them for several years. Very sweet and nice people. I had a few farewell luncheons with them to spare all of my tears and sorrows (*please excuse me of my exaggerating expression, humans are made of 60% of water anyway). Aside from the sadness, sincerely wish them all the best in their future endeavours.

Secondly, we had shifted to a new neighbourhood. So basically new environment, new neighbours, new routes and new ‘culture’. The most exciting was, I handled the shifting from Aay to Zee, you name it and you will get it from the list, literally and physically. It was challenging and exhausting, but anyway a new exciting experience. My biggest challenge among all other challenges of the new neighbourhood was the new routes. Yes, I mean new ROUTES. 

You see, there seem to be some cells in absence for the road recognition function…..And the thrilling part was, I couldn’t even seem to find my way home. Yes, I was literally “squealing” in the car, when my waze app or google app or whatsoever app in my hp failed me by temporarily being out of space and refused to function. Laughable but who would have known that I managed to direct my team members home at night back from a field trip project in my undergrad studies. And the main point was, without the help of waze/google map. *grin* Yeah I need to admit that, there were no waze nor google map app at that point in time, else I won’t be elected to be the human compass/GPS for such an important task. God gracious that we didn’t end up in Timb**tu. *gloriously grinning*

Some point in time in 2017, we had lost another dearest member. A loving, wise, kind, strong, loyal and forgiving kin. I will keep it posted in Another Farewell. I think, what I will recall during my last breath will be the people dear to me, rather than the materials and accomplishments for the whole life. Looking back at the people that I had lost, I keep on pondering when I will be left behind and when I will be the next. There will always be birth and death, but the point in life is, life can’t wait, cherish, appreciate and pursue while you are still able to. It is a journey to be travelled with full faith, courage and love.

Forth, I had recently switched industry from one that I had been in for years. Yes, I had another few rounds of farewells and luncheons (*dancing in circles merrily* luncheon is one of the favourite activities for a foodie, set aside the agenda for farewell), some even I didn’t manage to meet up due to the time constraint. I left with quite a heavy heart as it was the industry I have grown up with and sincere people that I had been working with for years. They were like friends and family. Will definitely be missing them very much. Wish me luck in my new venture.

New year, new hope
SL ALpha