Thailand was a very beautiful place to be visited, though I never thought that I would be landing my feet there. No specific reasons for that, just that it is not in the list of my destination. However, I was delighted to be given a chance to visit this fabulous country that embraces Buddhism.
The country was full of amazement, whether it is about the people, the places or the food. As a Buddhistic country, wats (Thai Buddhist temples) are the iconic buildings. They can be seen almost everywhere, either near the market, the river, in the city center and even near the airport.It's like a small "pilgrimage to the west". However, the most unforgettable about this country was, its citizen's hospitality.
Some of the remarkables:
The majestic Wat Prakiao from the outside. It has the Jade Buddha that aged more than 3 centuries.
A wat along the Chaopraya River
A spectacular flower that I have never seen, which I heard that the tree is somewhat related to the story of Siddhartha Gautama. Flowers are meant to be there to be appreciated by people. And they are the most beautiful when they are alive. So grateful that people do not pluck these flowers, which grant others' a chance to appreciate their beauty.
The morning market. One of the stalls that sells amulets.
During the stay in Thailand, I had managed to finish the book by 2 nights. Nope, I am not a book worm, but just being fascinated by the real life stories in the book. It's one of my favourite books. Read it and you'll know the appealing part of the book.
虽然泰国是一个非常美丽的地方,但我却没想过我会到那一游。不过,我很高兴能有机会到访这个令人叹为观止的佛教国。人,地方或食物也好,都是充满惊喜。作为一个佛教国,WAT(泰国佛教寺庙)是标志性建筑。无论是在市场附近,在市中心,河流边,甚至在机场附近,它们几乎无所不在。这次去泰国就好比像个小型 “西游记”一样。然而,对于这个国家最难忘的一点是,他们的热情好客。
壮丽的 Wat Prakiao。里面供奉着超过3个世纪的玉佛。
沿着Chaopraya河建立的 Wat
除了仙人掌以外,我可没见过 没叶子的树能够生存,更别提开花了。可这三棵没叶子的树,不但可以生存,还能开花呢。真不能不惊叹生命的奥妙呢!
在一个偶然的机会下,非常荣幸收到一份礼物,一本书 - 《由业力所致 - 108奇迹》,Burapa
Phadungthai著。原始版本是泰文,由Parinda Wattanajungroj翻译成英文。非常感恩,要不然我可没机会翻阅。
在泰国逗留期间,我用了两晚阅完这本书。不,我不是书虫,只是 被书中的引人入胜的现实生活故事给迷住了。这也是我最喜欢的书之一。 读了它,你就会知道这本书最具有吸引力的部分。