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Wednesday 6 June 2012

Herbs 强身补肾的药草

Found another book on herbs specifically for maintaining physical and kidney health,which is compiled by Professor Wong San Yuan and published by Wen Jing publisher. It's another book treasured for more than 2 decades following 

Besides containing more than 50 prescriptions, the best part of this book is that it is meticulously written and detail oriented, by briefing the herb's origin, functions, chemical compositions, proper dosage to be consumed and even appendix included.For those who drink, the book also listed handful prescription of medicated wine.

It is advisable to consult your Chinese medicine practitioners if you have any doubts on the medications in the book before you consider consuming the medications printed.
Due to the fact that it's being kept for a long period of time, pg 11, 12 and 13 had been visited by nasty silverworms. Thus, a small part of the pages at the bottom is not visible. 

The book is written in traditional Chinese, and I have made it into pdf for easy download. Click here to download. Here is an alternate link in case the link is unreachable. 


最近让我于寻宝式的找查中发现了另一本草药书 --《强身补肾的药草》,由黄三元教授编译,文进出版社出版。这本书是续救世百病秘方病理按摩健康手册., 是第三本被珍藏超过二十年的书籍。它除了含有50多个处方,这书最大的特点是它的精心编写和细节注重,例出了草本植物的起源,功能,化学成分,适当的药量和附录。除此之外,它也涵盖制药酒的药方。





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