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Sunday 30 December 2012

Secret Prescription for Fighting Cancer & Tumor, the Chinese way 中医治癌

Thanks to all the technological and medical advancement, our standard of living has become better day by day.The condition of living has became better for the population to grow. I have lived in the city since birth. Things that I see everyday are people and vehicles. Lots of them. Not to mention when you need to merely step on the bus, barely squeeze your way into a train, fighting for an area to walk on a walkway jammed pack with living humans, or praying that the pedestrian light to turn green sooner so as to put a halt on those cars that are handled by rapid drivers as if they are in a Formula One car race. Wherever you go, these scenes are everywhere. Cheers to city development.

The advancement has also implied that, our daily steps of moving forward have became faster than ever. Whether it's information or the pace that we walk, all need to keep up with the ticking of the clock. Especially in the city, everything is fast moving, even the people are walking as if they are on roller skates, not to mention about the F1 drivers mentioned above. Things just move in a speed of light.

Ah, yes. Air pollution comes with the package. Whether it's cigarettes, vehicles emission, open burning etc. The condition of the air is unavoidable, unless your air purifier can purifies every breath whenever you go or you bring along an oxygen tank, which neither both methods are feasible, whether in the short term or long term. 

One thing not to forget, which is the "music" of the city, consists of the hons, melodies of the engines, the orchestra from the construction ground, the sweet songs of your neighbour while he is having a nice warm bath, the scolding of children by their angry parents, and the rock music as alarm while you are having your sweet dream in the midnight. It's that fun, and that musical.
As we follow the steps of civilization, what follow us are something not so desirable and welcomed. I am not here to complain the city that I am living in nor defame the fruit of human civilization, I would like to bring up a point that is, being in an always fast pace, congested and polluted environment, health is really a wealth that is hard to defend. And somehow, there emerge lots and lots of diseases, for which some are contagious and some are fatal, such as cancer and tumor.
I recently found a book "Secret Prescription for Fighting Cancer & Tumor, the Chinese way" 《中医治癌》on my folk's shelf, which I think that it is a great book to be shared. It provides the definitions for cancer and tumor, differences of benign and malignant tumor, various cancer and the methods of discovering the early symptoms and countermeasures can be taken. It's a very comprehensive, detail oriented, well researched and written book written in Chinese. And, it approaches cancer and tumor using Chinese prescription that adopt the usage of natural herbs, which in the aspect of side effect is relatively lesser compared to Western medication.

Please do consult your Chinese medicine practitioner before consuming the prescription from the book.

Here are the links for the book:

May you always be healthy and happy. 

S.L. Alpha

One Juice That You Have Never Heard Of 从未所闻的果汁

Personally, I do love juices, Whether it's apple, orange, papaya, carrot, guava, tomato etc juices are my favourite. However, there is one juice that I have never heard of nor tried before, heard of potato juice?

It's the first time I came across this potato juice from this book of surprise arranged by Mr Sun Yi Chen. And, there seems to be many surprising uses of potato juice.

Medical Usages of Potato Juice 马铃薯生汁疗法

The book is written in Chinese. Here are the download links:

Many thanks to Mr Sun. Enjoy.


Friday 21 December 2012

Winter Solstice, on Rumoured Armageddon 2012 世界末日的冬至

Celebrated Winter Solstice with family today. The festival signifies the end of a year and the coming of a new year. There has been a saying that it is much more significant than the New Year. During this day, all the family members will gather, catch up and indulge in homemade delicacies. In our family tradition, we usually had it in a steamboat and barbeque way. The food that must be there will be glutinous rice balls or Tangyuan. 

This is the most colourful glutinous rice balls we ever had all these years. Thanks to aunt for her early morning 4.30 am effort
The theme of our food will always never run away from seafood, due to some seafood fanatics in the family. In fact, we had been preparing for this festival since few weeks ago. We went to fishing villages outstation in hunt of fresh seafood besides indulging in the seafood feast there. Going back to these villages brought up lots of sweet memories. 

We brought home fresh squids and prawns. The length of the prawns were much longer than the fingers, which you rarely seen in supermarkets or wet markets. The happiest people? Of course the seafood fanatics. 
Prawns that are longer than my index finger

 Fresh squids. These are really fresh. Tested today :)

There was a friend of mine been labeling me as seafood craze, in fact, not really. To be frank, I am not that fond of seafood, only love some of those, especially *****fin (would not want to name it out, due to the matter of animal protection, though I love that delicacy, I still love animals), oysters etc. He threw me an interesting question, “since you don’t like seafood, then why were you so excited wherever produces seafood?” And I still remembered how I answered him,” Because my family loves it, when they love it you slowly will do.” Perhaps this is what family is, or perhaps it is because of my memories. Whichever applicable. 

Went for appointment lunch with a friend in the afternoon. Was lucky to coincide with a book fair. Since it's a rumored Armageddon and Winter Solstice today,  I grabbed the opportunity to hunt for some good books. Had luck today finding a popular book that I have been longing for a period on promotion, bought few books as gifts for myself and my dad. However, my wallet hurt, a lot. 

My hunting results : Out of 5, 4 are mine

Had a great Winter Solstice today, and it also proven that it's not Armageddon. A known fact is that, my stomach feel like bursting today. So satisfied, so happy and so warm. Because of family and food.



Thursday 20 December 2012

Armageddon? 世界末日

The topic of Armageddon prevails as 21th December is around the corner. It's everywhere, whether it's after tea talk, media news, radios and even, surprisingly among the kids. Yes, and that's unexpected.

It's been a headline since years ago that it's a prediction that we will be facing the end of the world on 21th December 2012. The main reason for the rise of prediction is due to the fact that it's the final date on the Maya calender.Despite of researchers' strenuous effort,the actual reason of why 21th December remains as the final date of Maya calender is yet to be known and confirmed.

Perhaps due to the uncertainty and the accuracy of the so-called "prediction of Armageddon", more or less it has caused some "emotional commotion". Calling it an emotional commotion seems to be a bit exaggerating, I believe emotional disturbance seems to be a more suitable description. I need to admit that, I had been uneasy with the overheated topic. And I wouldn't want to term the topic as a prediction, but rather to term it as a rumor, whether it's because that it has no concrete basis, or it's a soothing act.

The funniest part of time is that, it soothes you, whether from pain or anxiety. As the date approaches, my anxiety that I had years ago fades with time. Till recently, this topic was brought up by a kid.

An eight years old boy came with excitement (you can't really tell whether it's anxiety or excitement in an "overactive" boy that has been always having his fun time almost every minute), he looked up upon me with his big pair of shiny black iris and asked in a curious tone:" Is there really a day which it will be mankind's last day (a.k.a Armageddon)?" My heart thumped. It was an unexpected question from a kid, which I would usually expect them to ask any out of the box questions from this world but never this. Perhaps due to the all the super nutritious food with all the DHA, ganglioside or whatever it is that causes the kids nowadays to mature early? Just my opinion, kids should act and think like kids, and that’s what make them adorable and “kid”, no?

Though his adorable expression made me chuckled, to respect his earnest question, I answered him in a serious manner:" Silly, of course not. There would not be any end day such as Armageddon." Showing disbelief, he refuted me with a strained expression:" No! There is Armageddon! Everyone is saying it, even it is on the news!” 

Poor boy, he was asking about something which he felt seriously important to him. However, I strongly believed that he had asked the wrong person. Since he was expecting to get the answer which he wanted, he should not have asked me. If he were to ask me that question years ago, he might get the answer he wanted, but not now.

First, we have no concrete evidence or theories that suggest that there exist such a day. Second, even of there is really such a day; there is no reason to terrify a kid. As normal civilians like us, though that day exists, we would not be able to do much about it. Perhaps the wealthy, prestigious or experts have the capabilities to build spaceships or whatever transportation to “migrate” to the other planets, whether it’s Mars or Jupiter. We as civilians will have to live our normal life on Earth till the end of our life. Since, there is nothing much we can do, I don’t think a kid should be worrying over matters that we are unable to solve or stop. 

I had twice near death experience. I was close to the stairway to heaven or the door to hell, whatever you want to describe it. It’s close, but not close enough to drag me away. I am not trying to brag here, but just to express my gratitude towards life. Death maybe or maybe not our last destination, depends on your direction of looking it. As time passes, I started to realize that, the main reason of people fearing of death is because that we have not lived enough. How long is enough? There is no such thing as enough. We don’t eat enough, don’t sleep enough, don’t play enough, don’t work enough, don’t live enough etc. So what is enough? It depends on you. When you feel and think that it’s enough, then it’s enough. To a beggar who has nothing to eat for 3 days, a bagel would be truffle to him. For the blind, even a day of seeing light is considered a lifetime blessing for him. 

Now what exactly are we looking for in a life that we require more time? More wealth, health and happiness perhaps. Flashing back my memories, when I was at the edge of death, I did not really think much, in fact I was not able to. My mind was blank. Yet, a strong feeling came to me, the feeling of regret. That feeling kept on telling me that the things that I have not done properly in my life before, it reminded me how I did not treasure the time with my loved ones, and how I took things for granted all along. Only one conclusion I obtained, I did not live my life to the fullest, and this is the reason why I was (possibly "am") scared of death.

Death is scary, especially when you have lots of things to feel regret about. The feeling is overwhelming when you think about you have plenty of "unfinished business". If I were to live my life to the fullest, probably the paranoia of Armageddon will not be that overwhelming.

I have been taking some time to figure about the definition of Armageddon, whether the explosion of the Earth is the end of mankind? I am not trying to research on how Armageddon will happen, but rather taking it from a sociological perspective. The conclusion that I have been getting is, the end of mankind is when the end of civilization. For the period since the existence of human, we have been emphasizing on the development of the sciences and technology, that are able to increase the standard of living. Thus, civilization will be referring to our standard of living, how high or great that it has became since our caveman ancestors period. Education too, has also put emphasize into increasing the EQ, IQ and subject expertise of the generations forthcoming. And, there seems to be an important aspect of mankind lack of development, which is of the virtue, ethics and morality. These are the backbone of human. These forms the vital values of human being being distinguished from animals. 

Yet, as many of us have noticed, as we become more and more civilized in the aspect of sciences and technology, we also have to face with all the grieving news daily, whether it's war, murder, gun shooting, rape etc (for anything you can name it). Listen to the sobbing of people who loved ones who had sacrificed in the war and the sound of rifles and cannons, will you be able to sleep at night? Feel the pain when a knife stabbed into your heart, or your limb being slashed and ripped from your body, smelling of the strong smell of blood and the intolerable pain, don't you feel that death is much better than such suffering? Look in the view point of the students and teachers, who had seen with their own eyes the collapse of their classmates,colleague or students lying in pools of crimson red blood, being shot brutally by the gunners. Imagine your clothes being tore and being dishonoured and humiliated by a rapist, or hearing your loved ones screaming and crying for your help but you are helpless at the point? You see it, hear it, feel it. It's lugubrious. It's unbelievable. It's inhumane.

Instead of terming the whatever theories of Armageddon out there as the causes of perish of us, I would say that we will perish when mankind lost the human values of virtue, ethics and morals in us. And when we start to act like animals, that is when we doom, without the need of any external forces.

Would like to make a final note to the little boy who had asked me about Armageddon, kido, you don't need to worry about Armageddon, whether the sun will rise and set tomorrow, is tomorrow's matter. All you need to do today is to live the fullest, for today. About the end of mankind, it will be when we human, no longer be termed human. And that will be when we lose the human values within us, besides losing the right to be termed as human. Have a great childhood. ;)


Monday 3 December 2012

Longevity Wine 长寿酒

