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Sunday, 30 December 2012

Secret Prescription for Fighting Cancer & Tumor, the Chinese way 中医治癌

Thanks to all the technological and medical advancement, our standard of living has become better day by day.The condition of living has became better for the population to grow. I have lived in the city since birth. Things that I see everyday are people and vehicles. Lots of them. Not to mention when you need to merely step on the bus, barely squeeze your way into a train, fighting for an area to walk on a walkway jammed pack with living humans, or praying that the pedestrian light to turn green sooner so as to put a halt on those cars that are handled by rapid drivers as if they are in a Formula One car race. Wherever you go, these scenes are everywhere. Cheers to city development.

The advancement has also implied that, our daily steps of moving forward have became faster than ever. Whether it's information or the pace that we walk, all need to keep up with the ticking of the clock. Especially in the city, everything is fast moving, even the people are walking as if they are on roller skates, not to mention about the F1 drivers mentioned above. Things just move in a speed of light.

Ah, yes. Air pollution comes with the package. Whether it's cigarettes, vehicles emission, open burning etc. The condition of the air is unavoidable, unless your air purifier can purifies every breath whenever you go or you bring along an oxygen tank, which neither both methods are feasible, whether in the short term or long term. 

One thing not to forget, which is the "music" of the city, consists of the hons, melodies of the engines, the orchestra from the construction ground, the sweet songs of your neighbour while he is having a nice warm bath, the scolding of children by their angry parents, and the rock music as alarm while you are having your sweet dream in the midnight. It's that fun, and that musical.
As we follow the steps of civilization, what follow us are something not so desirable and welcomed. I am not here to complain the city that I am living in nor defame the fruit of human civilization, I would like to bring up a point that is, being in an always fast pace, congested and polluted environment, health is really a wealth that is hard to defend. And somehow, there emerge lots and lots of diseases, for which some are contagious and some are fatal, such as cancer and tumor.
I recently found a book "Secret Prescription for Fighting Cancer & Tumor, the Chinese way" 《中医治癌》on my folk's shelf, which I think that it is a great book to be shared. It provides the definitions for cancer and tumor, differences of benign and malignant tumor, various cancer and the methods of discovering the early symptoms and countermeasures can be taken. It's a very comprehensive, detail oriented, well researched and written book written in Chinese. And, it approaches cancer and tumor using Chinese prescription that adopt the usage of natural herbs, which in the aspect of side effect is relatively lesser compared to Western medication.

Please do consult your Chinese medicine practitioner before consuming the prescription from the book.

Here are the links for the book:

May you always be healthy and happy. 

S.L. Alpha

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