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Friday 21 December 2012

Winter Solstice, on Rumoured Armageddon 2012 世界末日的冬至

Celebrated Winter Solstice with family today. The festival signifies the end of a year and the coming of a new year. There has been a saying that it is much more significant than the New Year. During this day, all the family members will gather, catch up and indulge in homemade delicacies. In our family tradition, we usually had it in a steamboat and barbeque way. The food that must be there will be glutinous rice balls or Tangyuan. 

This is the most colourful glutinous rice balls we ever had all these years. Thanks to aunt for her early morning 4.30 am effort
The theme of our food will always never run away from seafood, due to some seafood fanatics in the family. In fact, we had been preparing for this festival since few weeks ago. We went to fishing villages outstation in hunt of fresh seafood besides indulging in the seafood feast there. Going back to these villages brought up lots of sweet memories. 

We brought home fresh squids and prawns. The length of the prawns were much longer than the fingers, which you rarely seen in supermarkets or wet markets. The happiest people? Of course the seafood fanatics. 
Prawns that are longer than my index finger

 Fresh squids. These are really fresh. Tested today :)

There was a friend of mine been labeling me as seafood craze, in fact, not really. To be frank, I am not that fond of seafood, only love some of those, especially *****fin (would not want to name it out, due to the matter of animal protection, though I love that delicacy, I still love animals), oysters etc. He threw me an interesting question, “since you don’t like seafood, then why were you so excited wherever produces seafood?” And I still remembered how I answered him,” Because my family loves it, when they love it you slowly will do.” Perhaps this is what family is, or perhaps it is because of my memories. Whichever applicable. 

Went for appointment lunch with a friend in the afternoon. Was lucky to coincide with a book fair. Since it's a rumored Armageddon and Winter Solstice today,  I grabbed the opportunity to hunt for some good books. Had luck today finding a popular book that I have been longing for a period on promotion, bought few books as gifts for myself and my dad. However, my wallet hurt, a lot. 

My hunting results : Out of 5, 4 are mine

Had a great Winter Solstice today, and it also proven that it's not Armageddon. A known fact is that, my stomach feel like bursting today. So satisfied, so happy and so warm. Because of family and food.



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