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Sunday 22 July 2012

Heading Home or Path of No Return? 回家路或不归路?

On my way back home on a Thursday night, the night was way more bustling than any other weekday nights in the center of the city. An abrupt crashing sound interrupted the peace of the night. I did not manage to see the whole incident happen, but it can be seen that a motorist was numbly lying on the road, painfully gasping for air. He was heading straight while a car from the opposite direction that was taking a right turn neglected his existence and hit him in the bullseye. The negligent driver was asked to move his car away as it was in the way of the traffic (yes, heavy jam). While for the motorcyclist, he was left lying on the road, with the crowds surrounding him like surrounding some rare species on earth. I kept on ponder the reasons of the crowd keeping his lying position on the street, isn't it more dangerous to leave him there in the middle of the traffic? Was it bystander effect that caused the people in the society to be so cold blooded? Or was it because that people are afraid of moving him due to the possibility of fracturing his wounds?  I keep on thinking of the reason till now.

Still on my way home, a siren from the opposite direction of the road can be heard. While I was wondering and started to feel impress about the efficiency of the ambulance (thinking that it might be the one to fetch the injured motorcyclist lying on the road just now), I saw a fire truck was parked in front of a clinic (yes, a clinic indeed). Perhaps there's some fire incidents happened or some exotic animals like snake had crawled into the clinic? What was seen was the otherwise. A car had rammed into the clinic, luckily the driver did not ram exactly into the clinic from its door, but into its wall (have to praise the architect who built the solid building). The car bonnet was extremely deformed, which maybe the purpose of the fire truck to be there. And that ambulance which just passed by was sending the driver to hospital, instead of fetching the motorcyclist to hospital.....

This was my first experience of seeing two accidents in a row on my way back. Seems like negligence of road users was the main cause of all the road accidents. It was rather shocking to know that the people are becoming more and more negligent, and adding more hazard to other road users. This makes me think that in the near future, whether the risk of taking air plane is higher or the risk of road accidents is higher, placing other factors as constant. Car lovers, please love your life and others' life before your car.

My prayer for the victims of both accidents and may they recover soon. And for all road users, be more careful while you are using the road. It's you who decides whether it is a path back home or a path of no return. 

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