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Tuesday 3 December 2013

10 Conditions to be Spouses 10个成为夫妻的前提

I found an informative article titled " 10 Conditions to be Spouses" from 浪漫一生. Hearsay, "love is blind", but anyhow, the blind walks with a walking stick. Let's hope that this article will be the walking stick. The article is just some common sense that are not taught in school, but I find it rather handy for those that are in a romantic relationship and having the idea of sharing a lifetime together. though I believe that those that are in the stage of making this lifetime decision may have thoroughly scrutinize on the matter. It's better to think thoroughly than to regret later, as it may involve more people in the tragedy as time goes on. Kids are always the victims of a failed marriage, as they need to suffer the consequences of the actions of their parents. No debate on that.    

The original article is in Mandarin, hereby I will translate and edit it into English with my personal notes will be in italic purple. My motivation of doing this? Simple. It is a gift with the hope that there will more happy couples and more kids having happy families.

1) Friends
Are you friends with common topics?

As a couple, befriending each other is just the basic, and not to mention that, aside from being “just friends”, you should be good friends, besties, or whatever you want to call it. Unless you want to be there for each other just to pass down your DNAs, if not, you should have the basic foundation. Else, the legitimate relationship will not last long.

S.L.α:  Besties may not necessary will be good couple, but couple for sure will have better chances and potential to be good besties. Well, there's a lifetime together, no? Marriage is not a grave for man or woman, if we know very well how not to turn it into our own graves.

2) Perception
Are you sharing somewhat some similar perception and values towards life?

Birds of a feather flock together; friends should have shared some common basic understandings towards life. With that at least, each other will be able to have mutual understanding, else, how both individuals become friends without mutual understanding?

Friends’ aside, for couples to live together in the long term will definitely have to share the common values ​​of life. If both individuals have different pursuit of life and goals as well as vast difference in perception, it's up to the individuals to ponder ways of continuing the relationship. 

S.L.α: No two humans have the exact same brain structure and the way of perceiving things. Unless they are 100% identical twins who are able to communicate through telepathy, the possibility of sharing such commonality is out of the topic. It's great that both of you share the same perception of life and things most of the time, but it's not a bad thing if you both have different views too. Sometimes, looking things from his/her angle, can be quite fun, as long as you don't force your idea on each other. Embrace each other’s differences, and have fun sharing different perceptions. Mutual support and respect are very important for two unique individuals with different ways in looking at life.

3) Trust
Do you trust each other?

Understanding is the basic in socializing, not to mention that it is the foundation in a legitimate relationship. At least, have a basic understanding of his/her family background, education, personality, character, habits etc. 

Having merely understanding is not enough, you have to ask yourself whether you are able to accept what you have understood and  have trust in him/her, and that's who we called "spouse".

S.L.α:   The most interesting part in getting to know somebody is in the process of understanding the person. It's like fixing thousands pieces of an unknown jigsaw puzzle. The surprise comes when the puzzle becomes a piece and reveals the whole picture. Choices are yours to decide what to do with your puzzle. Somehow there will be people who will let go of you after looking at your "puzzle", thank them for their mercy. It is better for them to leave you at this point in time than later in life where there is no turning back.

When you have decided to “keep” the puzzle, have trust. It is the trust in yourself and the trust in him/her. We all know how important trust is, so as believe and faith.

4) Communication
Are you able to communicate well when both of you are in a conflict? Conflicts are unavoidable in human relationships, what’s more that the probability of having conflicts is higher among spouses who have to face each other every day.

The scariest part of having conflict is not the conflict itself; it is how people are unable to properly communicate with each other and intensifying a small matter. So couples, the foundation of becoming spouses? Communication, for sure!

S.L.α Besides having the intelligence level and conscience that distinguish humans, animals and plants, the third characteristic will be ego. Yes, E.G.O. I call it “Everyone Get Out!” and leave me and only me alone as the king of the world. The ego intensifies when we are in a conflict. It is humans’ nature to have the perception that what we do and think are somewhat more “truthful” than others. Thus, we do make mistakes and say something improper when we are all heated up. Before that happen, walk away and have some time being the king of the world, and get back to reality as soon as our anger cools off. Indeed, it feels pretty good to be the king, but what’s the fun when nobody is there to share it with you? Find ways of communication which will be effective for both of you.

5) Sacrifice
Do you have the spirit of sacrifice and dedication?

The relationship between spouses is a combination of rights and obligation, what you get may not be in proportion or equal to what you have put in. One of you may have contributed more than the other in your relationship. As you could not put everything into account and weight each and every matter, spouses should have a spirit of sacrifice and dedication. There is no debtor or creditor in a marriage, nor there is any difference in distinction. The willingness to contribute and to sacrifice is one of the basics of becoming spouses.

S.L.αWe may come from different family backgrounds, receive different levels of education etc, despite of all these differences, there should not be any difference in the level of distinction. Having better background or higher level of education does not mean that you are being superior of another in the social entity -- family, which is first formed by two individuals. Thus, both parties should have equal contribution in a relationship, eventhough it may not always be equal in reality. The relationship will not last long if it is depending on only one party’s contribution in maintaining it. Obligations, rights and dedication should all be shared.

6) Tolerance
Are you able to tolerate with each other?

People make mistakes and have shortcomings.  Because spouses have closer proximity, therefore it is easier to discover each other’s mistakes and shortcomings. Thus, spouses should have tolerance and be able to rationally look at other party’s mistake and shortcoming with an open mind, neither too picky nor condone without principles.

Tolerate trifles of shortcomings and mistakes, and help each other to correct the significant mistakes and shortcomings are vital in self improvement between couple.

S.L.αLearn from each other and grow together, that’s the best part of sharing your life with someone. 

7) Interests
Do you share the same interests? Different people have different hobbies and interests. Yet, as a couple, you should maintain common viewpoints in hobbies, interests, fun facts, so that your hearts will not go astray

Couples who share common interests will be able to live happily in the long term than those who do not.

S.L.α:   Find some interests or hobbies where both of you can do together, it is more fun to play together than playing alone, no?

8) Support
Are you able to withstand the test of life and support each other?

The important difference between love and marriage is that, marriage involves more real life pressure and issues, and marriage is more cumbersome and boring, thus there will be more difficulties and problems encountered by spouses.

Be it husband or wife, whether it is about life or about work, he/she will encounter some unexpected problems. Getting unwavering support from each other is the key for solving the problems. If any party retreat when a problem is encountered, it will be difficult for the marriage to continue.

S.L.α:   Problems are everywhere. You can choose to fight or flee. The problems will still recur no matter how many zillion times you flee. Fight along each other instead of running for your life and leaving the other party behind. We have heard of the story of the bear and the two friends before. We know how the feeling is when we are being abandoned in the midst of facing obstacles. Let’s not repeat the story. Two is better than one, no? There are no problems that you cannot solve with the support of each other. Support each other physically, mentally and emotionally. Stand by each other and fight along gloriously, and those moments will always be the most spectacular bedtime stories for your generations ahead.

9) Family
Are you able to accept each others’ loved ones?

Many young lovers often overlook this point, with the belief that marriage is the private affairs between the two of them without the need for other considerations. This is definitely a naive romanticism.

Marriage is not only two persons’ affair; it is also two families’ affair. Besides loving each other, you will also have to accept each other’s family members. If you are not able to tolerate his/her family members, and they are unable to stop interfering about the matters between both of you,  then your future married life will be a recipe for disaster.

S.L.α:   Something unique about marriage is that, it brings two families together and becomes a larger family, all blood unrelated individuals being related by law. You will have additional parents to love you and additional family members to support and be there for you. There is a Chinese proverb saying, “Easy to meet up, yet difficult to get along”. It is unavoidable that two families coming from different backgrounds will have some frictions and disputes on some matter, but with respect and forgiveness, a “civil war” can be avoided. 

We all love our family members as they are the people who we have spent decades together, and they are the reason of our existence. We want them to be accepted and be treated as how we have treated them. Treat his/her family members as your own, as they already are, at the moment you speak your vow and sign your “contract for a lifetime”. The key is, both sides are your family members, after all.

10) Economy
Do you have the economic foundations?

Being suitable for love and dating does not mean that both of you are suitable to get married, because marriage something involves more of bread and butter other than romantic issues. Without the economic necessity, the marriage will not be able to go on. Two artsy individuals may not be suitable of becoming spouses, due to the reason that they may indulge in their own romantic art of living without knowing how to put bread and butter on the table.

S.L.αLet's admit, it is something unromantic which is called life. If you grow up reading Shakespeare, you have to face the reality that if Romeo and Juliet were to escape the romantic suicide, they still have to work on filling up their stomach, now without the support of their massive family inheritance and family support. Prince and princess who escape to the peasants’ world will become peasants too. They maybe lovey dovey everyday, but for sure bread and butter are the major concern everyday than the romantic item you called love. If you have strong faith and support for each other, I believe that should not be a problem after all.

P/S: All above are for reference only, no professional advice involved. 

BoysLikeGirls  - Two is better than one

 “For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.”
― Stephanie Perkins, Anna and the French Kiss

Be there for each other,
S.L α

我发现了一个内容丰富的文章标题为10个成为夫妻的前提》原自“浪漫一生”。很多人都说爱是盲目的 ,但无论如何,盲人都用拐杖来行走。希望这篇文章将是那支“拐杖”。这篇文章的内容就是一些在学校无法学习到的常识,但我觉得对于一些正处于一段感情并具有共享一辈子的想法的情侣们来说会很有帮助,虽然深信那些在做这个决定情侣们已经深思熟虑。深入思考好过以后后悔,因为悲剧可能随着时间流逝而涉及到更多无辜的人。孩子始终是失败婚姻的受害者,他们需承受父母所导致的一切后果。这是无可厚非的事实。

































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