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Tuesday 3 December 2013

Stand By Us 你我同在

Hereby would like to share the joy and happiness of a friend of mine, who is registering for marriage next two weeks. What makes me feel very happy for her is that her love story is going to have a happy ending, in other words, a happy beginning for family life.

She has a very impressive love story: started the story when she was 15 with her first love and ended in tying the knot after 10 years.To make myself clear, I am not promoting students to go for dating while in the midst of pursing education, as it is the golden period of enjoying student life to the fullest. Learn and have fun in learning as much as you can, as you will have to face the life of putting bread and butter on table as you get older. And that time, you can enjoy love, bread and butter at the same time. 
People usually say first love never work, well, both of them made it work.Whether the theory is wrong or whether it was because of their effort that made the relationship last is up for you to ponder.

Below are some fragments of their love story,it's my small little gift for them:

Stand By Us

We started the journey a decade ago
That time we were still some high school kiddos
Remembering how we chat online till midnight
And before exam, sharing sleepless nights

You know that I have a bad temper
But because of you, I am being pampered
Whenever I throw my temper
You will always be the comforter

Whenever I make any mistakes
You will point it out without hesitate
Just like a friend of sincere heart 
All for the sake of making me right

You picked me up with your decade old van
And drove to where we usually went
What vehicle did not make any difference
It was you by my side that made the difference

Many times we went for dinner
You insisted on being the payer
Wherever we went, whatever we had
With you, I always have the best meal ever

Many times when you knocked on the door
You would be greeted by abhor
With all the cynicism you silently accept
You never gave up on us or showed regrets

Whether it is a bumpy ride
Or a smooth sailing ride
I am brave enough to face the tide
Because I know
We will always stand by each other's side

Thanks for passing your luck and happiness!

Love Story - Taylor Swift

All the happiness in the world,
S.L α

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