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Wednesday, 4 November 2015

癌症(Cancer)病患者的福音--佛说疗痔病经 (2/2)

癌症(Cancer)病患者的福音--佛说疗痔病经 (1/2),我上载了“铅笔写拼音”版本的佛说疗痔病经。我把这版本看了一遍又一遍,总觉得有愧于心。愧就愧于担心打印出来的拼音会显得十分模糊。伸长脖子等了又等,印刷商答应的Words format的文件等到


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Thursday, 22 October 2015

癌症(Cancer)病患者的福音--佛说疗痔病经 (1/2)




瞬间,我发觉,其实生为万物之灵的我们,还没有足够的智慧去解决很多事情与问题。万物之灵的名号,若只用于于其他级别的生物比较,则有过而无不及 。奈何,人的智慧十分有限。在此,希望各界顶尖的医护人员们,能尽百分之两百的医德,请务必要医,缺一不可。希望医护人员们能体谅和接纳病人和病人家属的意见,若自以为博学而一意孤行,而造成无可挽救的遗憾,切记因果循环


这经书文用繁体中文编著,用注音 B O P O M O F O拼音。对于从幼学习汉语拼音和简体中文的我而言,阅读此经确实是个挑战。有鉴于此,我用铅笔在繁体中文旁注上了汉语拼音,希望能让更多人方便读诵此经。由于是用铅笔书写,拼音或许会显得较浅写,我建议将打印机色调调深些已让注音更清晰。




经文咒语得来不易。任何事情,讲究个"缘"字.你既然能动念想到上网搜索,又刚巧到这里看到这篇发文,又恰好有这耐性将这篇发文读完。这些,都是"缘"。倘若你有读完The Secret Code of Life 生命密码,你会了解到世上任何事并非理所当然。这"缘"字之中所牵引的,便是“因果”。




若真没时间,我在这略说癌症病患者的福音-《佛说疗痔病经 的精髓:


  2 、如遇病痛时须以一杯圣水供於前1次文随念108次咒语再分成两杯:一杯喝下一杯擦病痛之处




古人言 人行善,福虽未至,祸已遠離; 人為惡,禍雖未至,福已遠離“






Monday, 31 August 2015

All Originated from Heart 一切唯心造

今天收到一封非常有意义的whatsapp,特在此转载与大家分享.文章的原名为《學習祝福, 停止咒詛》,但我会以《一切唯心造》为我的帖文标题,因为个人认为那是全文精髓所在.

~~~~學習祝福  停止咒詛~~~~

有一對醫生夫婦,他們有個兒子 , 這兒子帶給他們許多煩惱。不只如此 , 這兒子離家出走、斷絕音訊三、四年了。

醫生有一天門診時遇上一位患者是諮商師 , 於是把他心中的苦楚告訴對方。這名諮商師看著他說 : 「你已經咒詛兒子多久了 ? 」

這位醫生很訝異 , 他說 : 「你說我在咒詛兒子 , 這是什麼意思 ? 」

諮商師回答說 : 「所謂咒詛的意思就是 , 說另一個種種人的不是。剛才你所說的 , 都在告訴我有關你兒子的不是。你這樣咒詛兒子多久了呢 ? 」

這位醫生低著頭,說 : 「是的 , 他一出生我就咒詛他到現在 , 對他 , 我從來都不曾說一句好話。」

諮商師說 : 「結果是無效的 , 對吧 ? 」


於是諮商師說 : 「我要挑戰你和你妻子 , 在接下來的兩個月 , 當你們想到這兒子時 , 要祝福他 , 而不是想到他的不好。當你們說起兒子時 , 我要你們記得他好的一面 , 說他的好話。」

醫生回家後 , 把這事告訴太太 , 他們同意這諮商師的意見 , 也願意這麼做。當他們談起兒子時 , 他們嘗試記得兒子的優點。他們每天都持續這麼做。
大約過了第十天 ,醫生正在家裡休假 , 電話響了。

是的 , 電話的另一端竟是出走三、四年的兒子。兒子說 : 「爸爸 , 我真的不確定為何我會打電話給你 , 我只想告訴你這幾天 , 我一直想到你和媽媽 ,還有我們的家人 , 所以我只想打電話給你,看看你們好不好。」

這位父親說 : 「兒子啊 ! 我真的很歡喜能接到你的電話。」他們在電話中聊了幾分鐘 , 然後父親問 : 「我不知道你心裡怎麼想 , 但週六要不要一起吃晚餐 ? 」兒子欣然答應。

週末晚餐時間 , 這對父子見面了。
這位兒子穿著很破舊的衣服 , 留著一頭又亂又長的頭髮。

過去 , 父親肯定會嚴厲苛責兒子 , 然而這次 ,
父親以接納的態度面對兒子 , 在心裡祝福他。
他問兒子問題後 , 他就聽兒子的回答。兒子說到一些對的地方 , 他也給予肯定。

晚餐快結束時 , 兒子望著父親說 : 「爸爸 ! 我不知道發生什麼事 , 不過我很享受和你在一起的這段時間。」

父親回應說 : 「兒子 , 我也很享受和你在一起啊 ! 」

兒子說 : 「嗯 ! 爸爸 , 我想今晚在家裡過夜好嗎 ?
就今晚而已 , 我想看看媽媽和家人 , 還有我那張舊舊的床。」父親說 : 「當然可以啊 ! 我們很高興你能和我們在一起。」

那一整天 , 父親心裡驚覺當他停止咒詛兒子 , 而以祝福代之時 , 情況就有了極大的改變。

那天晚上 , 當兒子躺在他自己的床上時 , 父親來到兒子房間 , 坐下來對兒子說 : 「孩子 , 過去這麼多年來我對你很不好 , 你願意原諒我嗎 ? 」

兒子說 : 「爸爸 , 我當然原諒你啊 ! 」然後他就抱著父親 , 他們的關係從此開始和好。

然而這和好的關係真正是從什麼時候開始的 ?


如果我們撒下咒詛的種子 , 我們就收咒詛 ;
若我們撒下祝福的種子 , 我們的收成就是祝福。








Monday, 23 February 2015

Prescription for Kidney and Bladder stones 肾及膀胱结石药方

Hereby share with you the prescription for kidney and bladder stones which I found when going through my parent's belongings.

PDF Version                           

Disclaimer: Kindly consult your Chinese medicine practitioners for professional advice. The above is merely for reading purpose only.

S.L α

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Cholesterol Content of Malaysian Ready to Eat Meals 一些大马熟食胆固醇的含量表

Below is the Cholesterol  Content of Malaysian Ready to Eat Meals if you are planning to visit Malaysia.
Most of the food below are some of Malaysia's most popular delicacies.

PDF Version

Disclaimer: Kindly consult your medical practitioner for professional advice. The above is merely for reading purpose only.

S.L α

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Dietary Instructions for Patients with Gout 患痛风者应注意的食物

Hereby share with you the dietary instructions for patients with gout which I found when going through my parent's belongings.

Disclaimer: Kindly consult your medical practitioner for professional advice. The above is merely for reading purpose only.

S.L α

Friday, 20 February 2015

Cholesterol Content in Common Food 食物中胆固醇含量表

Hereby share with you one table of cholesterol content in common food which I found when going through my parent's belongings.

PDF Version                                   PDF Version

Try your best to eat healthy during the festive season. It's easier to be said than done, especially when your favourite food is right in front of you. Yet, the most precious wealth regardless of your social and financial status is having a healthy body.

Disclaimer: Kindly consult your medical practitioner for professional advice. The above is merely for reading purpose only.

S.L α

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Reunion with Love 团圆

Someone had asked me how do you get to know whether you like a person. I had shared with him some of my thoughts on that. At that time, I thought I had better understanding of love. Time had proven my naivety, in a very cruel and merciless way, as a punishment for a daughter who was not grateful enough and appreciate enough.

This year, our reunion dinner table had an empty seat. The person who used to ‘compete’ for our favourite dish, who comments more than he cooks, who always reserves my favourite dish, who eats faster than any of us, was no longer sitting at his usual seat.

Hereby using myself as a mirror, to share with you all my pricy wakeup call on love. The price - the life of my parent.

A decade before, love was a foreign language to me. A decade later, this is how I describe love.

Love is, always put the other party’s benefits ahead of yours.
I thought that was hardly doable, but when the time comes, you’ll be willing to do anything for your loved ones. And everyone is capable of this.

Love is, something that you only realized how much you had received only when you no longer able to receive it from the giver.
I thought I knew what love is all about. But only when I had ceased receiving it from one of the generous givers, I regretted that I had understood too late.

Love is, something that you can only feel with your heart, and every time you think of it, it either warms your heart or pricks your heart.
I see my late parent everywhere. Every time we frequent the places we went together, the past plays in our mind like movies. Whatever topics that we are able to bring up, we’ll be reminded how and what he used to say. His love is heartwarming as always, but somehow his love in remembrance is painstaking.

Love is, something you cannot wait. It is a loser to time.
I thought I have years to fulfill my duty of filial piety, yet it turned out otherwise. I thought that I had been struggling hard throughout the years to provide better life for them, yet with much perseverance and high endurance as they used to have, I had been putting them through much pain. Now looking at the kids with their parents reminds me of my parent, and how I wish I am able to tune the clock backwards. Whatever you want to do for your loved ones, waiting for the right time to execute your plans will never be the best choice. I am your real life example.

I had the best and most precious loved experience given from my parent. Through the one decade fully spent with him and other members, they taught me how to love and how it felt to be loved.

Whatever quarrel or fight you have with your love ones, it no longer matters to you  as you have very limited time to spend with them. Fill all of your memories with more smiles and laughter. When that day finally comes to say farewell, you’ll be relieved that you have lesser regrets.

This is my first reunion dinner without you. Personally, I would not consider it as reunion dinner without you. However, by thinking of all the memories, love and the family that you left behind, I am grateful that I am not alone. With a grateful heart, I rushed back for this dinner, as I know, they were waiting for me, and you were too.

Happy Chinese New Year to those who are celebrating it.


Friday, 13 February 2015

Just For Laugh 笑笑没烦恼

Here to share with you all the whatsapp message that a friend of mine shared, it is too long of a message for me to print screen, I had copied the entire content along with my reply. The following are Just For Laugh ONLY and not intended to use for any other purposes or for reference.    

[1] Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving.   
It is a road to nirvana. XD Nap then drive. You won’t be able to multitask both whether you are a “multitasker” or not.   

[2] Having one child makes you a parent; having two you are a referee.   
So maybe you may want to consider being a coach by having a team of 12? 

[3] Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband!   
It depends on who you get married with. 

[4] I believe we should all pay our tax with a smile. I tried - but they wanted cash.   
Lol. You can first try paying your food with a smile to see whether it works.   

[5] A child‘s greatest period of growth is the month after you‘ve purchased new school uniforms. 
My folks used to buy me wider shirts, longer pants, dresses and skirts as I only grew taller each year. Buying xxl can be one of the solutions.  X)

 [6] Don‘t feel bad. A lot of people have no talent.   
Feeling bad is already a talent. XD

[7] Don‘t marry the person you want to live with, marry the one you cannot live without, but whatever you do, you‘ll regret it later.   
So to not regret, better to stay single to laugh at those who’ll regret later? 

[8] You can‘t buy love, but you pay heavily for it. 
That left with the only way is to sell love, FOC. 

[9] Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.   

I wonder what kinds of officials are voted by good citizens who had voted.

[10] Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.   
It is a very good excuse to be used in future. X)   

[11] Marriage is give and take. You better give it to her or she‘ll take it anyway.   
Lol. Perhaps she might even walk away.   

[12] My wife and I always compromise. I admit I ‘m wrong and she agrees with me.   
Ah, gentlemen nowadays have pretty good virtue eh? XD 

[13] Those who can‘t laugh at themselves leave the job to others.   

[14] Ladies first. Pretty ladies sooner. 
It‘s normal. We give privilege to pretty boys too.
The human’s eyes only able to perceive what’s on the surface, only the heart able to see the true form.

[15] A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.   

If you don’t fall in love with the same person many times, you’ll be falling apart many times in your marriage.

[16] You‘re getting old when you enjoy remembering things more than doing them.   
Sometime there are things/people that no longer exist which cause you to cease doing certain activities, where you no longer have the option to do or not to do. 

[17] It doesn‘t matter how often a married man changes his job, he still ends up with the same boss.   
The boss - kid(s)? Lol

[18] Real friends are the ones who survive transitions between address books.   

[19] Saving is the best thing. Especially when your parents have done it for you. 
That no longer termed as saving. It‘s what we called FAMA foundation.   

[20] Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something   
I wonder who talks more? 

[21] They call our language the mother tongue because the father seldom gets to speak!   
Well, our family practise father tougue.   

[22] Man: Is there any way for long life? Dr: Get married. Man: Will it help? Dr: No, but then the thought of long life will never come.   
If you want to get married and live longer, make sure you have chosen the right person to live with for the rest of your life. 

[23] Why do couples hold hands during their wedding? It‘s a formality just like two boxers shaking hands before the fight begins!

[24] Wife: Darling today is our anniversary, what should we do? Husband: Let us stand in silence for 2 minutes.

Wife: since you said so, let‘s end our contract and thus cease your annual mourning.

[25] It‘s funny when people discuss Love Marriage vs Arranged. It‘s like asking someone, if suicide is better or being murdered.

Humans will die one day, whether single or married. It all does not matter, as long as it‘s a glorious death. XD

[26]There is only one perfect child in the world and every mother has it.

[27]There is only one perfect wife in the world and every neighbor has it!

Vice versa. People only see what others have and not realizing that they already have the best in their own hands.

Treasure what you have before the clock ticks off. Happy Valentine's.

S.L α